Good Friday

sunny boards

Good morning everyone!! It’s a beautiful sunny start to the day in my part of London, white fluffy clouds linger in baby blue skies, and the sunlight spills through the window into pools on the floorboards. I got up slowly, sitting in bed for a few moments to appreciate the day. ‘Good Friday’ never feels like an adequate name for the day that signifies such enormous sacrifice & compassion, I remember thinking as a child that it must have been a pretty awfully ‘bad’ day, and if we’re celebrating the gift of grace, ‘good’ hardly seems an enthusiastic enough adverb in this context. But I guess calling it ‘Freakin’ awesomely wonderful Friday’ or something similar would be a bit much. I like to think of it as ‘Forgiveness Friday’ as in “Father forgive them, they know not what they are doing”, and I’m not even sure exactly where in scripture that’s written, but it seems suited to the crucifixion. It also reminds me that I have much to be forgiven for, and that somehow makes the day seem the celebration of grace it’s meant to be.

I pottered downstairs for breakfast (porridge with apple & pomegranate, greek yoghurt, pistachios and cinnamon) and sat on the sofa listening to the quietness.. just a ticking clock and the birds tweeting; until a local carpenter, taking advantage of the weather, started hammering and sawing in his garden. I rolled my eyes and sighed before remembering he’s just making a living, and that my home is incredibly sheltered from noise in this urban setting, so that this disturbance feels a greater intrusion because I am blessed not to hear the traffic or neighbours’ ‘music’. Good Friday is a national bank holiday in the UK, as is Easter Monday, I was surprised to recently learn this isn’t the case in the States. I forgave the carpenter for disturbing my peaceful moment. Then since I was in the mood, I forgave several people for being ‘disturbances of my peace’; recognizing that egotism, insecurity and selfishness are just symptoms of being human, and that we’re all souls stuck on the same planet, learning our lessons.

Have a fabulous Friday, and whatever your beliefs are, let forgiveness be one of them. Blessings & love ♥ Hxx

{Photo sadly uncredited, via brown dress with white spots, words ~Hayley Darby ©2013}

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