

PURE NOURISHMENT is devoted to empowering people to reach their full potential through feeding the soul…xx

I’m a nutritional therapist (Bsc Hons, mBANT) based in London, my private practice is called ‘Pure Nourishment’, because I believe in feeding the soul. A facebook page under the same name was established in 2009, initially as a way to encourage and motivate my clients, and as a resource for nutritional tips and dietary advice (mostly archived under the ‘notes’ tab). Then whilst on holiday a while back, rather than spend too much time on FB, I posted some favourite inspirational quotes with motivational notes for my clients whilst absent from the UK. The response and feedback increased during this time, so that I realised that most people appreciate encouragement more than advice, in this format. It has been my experience that whilst the majority of my clients understand ‘what’ to do, and take advice on ‘how’ to with an understanding of ‘why’ to change their eating patterns to promote health and improve energy; the biggest stumbling block is often ‘wanting’ to adopt new behaviour enough to make a difference. Often people struggle with making their own fundamental needs a priority; letting family, work, and any other commitments eclipse their sense of self-worth. I realised that helping people to value themselves is the key to helping them address not just dietary advice but a myriad of health issues. My degree in nutritional health focused heavily on the therapeutic aspects as well as the science and chemistry, and working with patient-centred communication is an aspect of my work that I enjoy immensely. My therapeutic approach is aligned with my belief that feeding the soul is the most important thing we can do for ourselves; sometimes this means having a treat, certainly it means enjoying the fundamental pleasures of food, but most importantly it means treating ourselves with love and respect so that we make the right choices, that lead to reaching our full potential in health and all aspects of living.

So the FB page developed into a resource of inspirational quotes and motivational notes, with a few health tips; and then somewhere along the way some pictures crept in (visual soul food), and eventually I started to write about my own experiences and feelings as a way of connecting and sharing, which continues. The Facebook page grew to acquire a substantial following of 62K + with a weekly reach (via sharing & viral activity) to in excess of 1m. The 10,000 existing posts are catalogued in albums of inspiration, motivation, courage, truths, comfort, smiles, positivity et al. and has prompted a move to a blog format for greater accessibility and an opportunity to experiment more with my personal writing as plans for a book are considered. Meanwhile I look forward to watching this space develop, meeting new friends of friends that you introduce, and learning more about you too. I am so thankful for the awesome community of caring and compassionate souls that show such kindness and support, please know how much I appreciate all of you.

Much love and blessings, with heaps of gratitude, Hxx

Hayley Darby (Bsc, mBANT)  email: hayley@purenourishment.co.uk



19 thoughts on “About

  1. This is my favorite blog. I have also shared a lot of your quotes on fb and my mobile doe snot have a share option so I sometimes download the image, copy paste the words. I try to credit them but sometimes it all gets lost in this way and is harder. In these past few weeks you have helped me more than you can imagine and as I share your words you also touch the lives and hearts of my friends and family! Thank you so very much! Your work is so greatly appreciated.

    • Dear Denise, thank you so much for your lovely message, I really appreciate your kind feedback, and love that Pure Nourishment is shared, especially when it’s credited so your friends can find my work too : )) I hope that life will be kinder, sending love & blessings, Hxx

  2. I have been away from the FB site for awhile tending to my bedridden mom and found this new format in my feed….Hayley, it is like opening up a Christmas present on Christmas morning!! I love the blog format which is still as lovely and personalized by you as always. I am so happy you have transitioned this beautifully and meaningfully for all of your followers! This is just awesome! Best Wishes with its future!

    • Dear Carol, Thank YOU for such a gorgeous message & compliment 🙂 Glad that you like this format, I realised I needed to expand for the next step.. watch this space 😉 I do hope your Mum is well! Sending love & blessings with gratitude for your kind support, Hxx

  3. Hello Miss Hayley, I just wanted to say thank you for your inspirational words & photo’s! I found you via Pinterest, and LOVE all that you post..I’ve always wanted to know more about you and found this blog today..I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say and how you see things.

  4. Good Morning Hayley,
    A while back, perhaps nearly two years ago I read a passage that I’m pretty certain was under your “Courage” category. It really hit home with me and touched my heart. How I wish I had either printed it or copied it to keep with me. I have been searching your FB page and this PN site trying to find it. But..to no avail. Unfortunately, I can’t recall any specifics about the words I read. But I would definitely know it when I saw it. I may have even messaged you on FB regarding how it touched me.
    I know it’s a long shot but any suggestions you might have in me finding the passage would be appreciated? Thanks so much. ❤

    • Hi Cathy, firstly apologies for the delayed response, I have been woefully neglectful of my blog whilst travelling. I have written many posts about courage, you could try a search term as I probably tagged it on WordPress, or on my FB page there is an album called courage. If you can remember the picture, that may jog my memory! Blessings & love, Hxx

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